Thursday, August 9, 2012

8 Month

    Tyler turned 8 months today. This little guy sure has had me on my toes. He always wants to go for the things in the room I don't want him near: the blind, air vents, electrical outlets (yes they are covered), trash cans, wires, remote controls, the floor fan, Neeko's face; the list goes on. I spend most of my day picking him up and moving him away from things. 

    Sleeping has gotten a touch better. We tried cry-it-out for a few days, and it was starting to work, but due to the heatwave we had we felt it wasnt good to add that stress and over-heat him even more. We are still co-sleeping and he has only been waking 1-2 times a night. He moves around so much though and I am constantly being woken up by him. 

    We still have no teeth. Everyday I say "Tyler, where are those teeth?" Eating is still going well. I have starting giving him cut up bananas instead of mashing them. He enjoys being able to pick up the pieces and put them in his mouth. 

    Hopefully my computer problems are over so I can update this blog more often now. 

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Rolly Polly

    Tyler is now consistently rolling from back to front. He basically refuses to be on his back anymore. I have been encouraging this behavior, but now that its happening I wish in a way that it wasn't. Changing his diaper and putting on clothes is almost impossible. We also have one more thing to add to the list of sleep problems. Last night I rocked him to sleep and he was passed out cold. That is until I put him down in the crib. I'm afraid to swaddle him now, so his arms kept jerking and waking him up. Once he's awake, he just rolls right over and starts crawling around. Therefore we are now co-sleeping the entire night. He is learning to sleep on his tummy, but he does so smashed up against Joe. Tyler almost pushed him off the bed last night because whenever Joe moves over he just nuzzles up again. I guess I dont have to worry about where he'll sleep now when we are in NJ. I'll just have to put him in bed with me. 

    Hopefully my laptop will be fixed this week so I can get some new pics/videos on here!

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Checking In

    Sorry I have not been posting. My laptop is broken so I have to use Joe's computer. I have a ton of new pics and videos I want to share, so hopefully I will be able to soon. So much has been happening! It's amazing how fast Tyler is developing. 

    Every day he is closer and closer to crawling! He has a new trick where he pushes up on all fours, then flops his chest forward. And today he started scooting army crawl style. He also finally rolled from back to front, but can you believe I missed it?! I put him down on his play mat on his back and turned around for a minute. When I turned back he was on his belly! Of course he hasn't done it again. The only bad thing about this is once he starts doing it more frequently we will have to stop swaddling him. I can just imagine he will wake up every 20 minutes the first few nights. 

    We have also been trying lots of new foods. So far he has had bananas, pears, carrots, and avocado. Naturally he likes the fruits best, but I just mix the veggies with some cereal and breast milk and he woofs it down. Next up is sweet potatoes.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Happy 5 Months!

    My little guy is 5 months old today! It's really starting to fly by. And it's so much fun watching him develop more and more each day.  

Learning to Crawl

    Over the past two weeks or so, Tyler has really been trying to crawl. So far he is really good at making left hand turns and pushing himself backwards. But he is learning to push up on all fours, rock himself, and plunge forward. He gets a little frustrated after a while because he knows what he wants to do but isn't quite able to attain it yet. We practice everyday, and I think taking him to baby activities with other babies who are already crawling is really helping and motivating him. It wont be long until he'll be on the go.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Starting Solids

Tonight we gave Tyler his first taste of solid food. Just a little bit of rice cereal mixed with breast milk. We were pretty certain he would take to it pretty well, and we were right. Granted it was probably more milk than cereal, but he was literally grabbing the spoon and shoving it in his mouth. He seemed upset that I had to keep putting more on the spoon and that it wasn't just pouring into his mouth like he's use to. I think we'll stick with the cereal for about two to three weeks before moving onto veggies considering he is only 4.5 months. But that really all depends how things go day by day. 

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Sleep? What's that?

The sleep struggles continue. Apparently there is something referred to as "4 month sleep regression". I am not sure if this is in addition to or a part of the week 19 Wonder Week. Basically Tyler has not been able to sleep longer than 2 hours at a time. Sometimes he only goes 45 mins. Then it takes 20 mins or so to get him back to sleep. It's like he's taking naps at night instead of actually sleeping. It's been rough. Luckily he's been pretty happy during the day. He's reaching and grabbing for things constantly. 

Another frustrating aspect of this is that once this phase is over he's probably going to start teething and again wont be sleeping well. =( 

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Who needs to spend money on baby toys? Here's Tyler with two of his favorites: A Cheez-Its box and a Comcast remote. Luckily we had an extra remote so he doesnt get drool all over the one we use.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Wonder Week 19

What a rough week this has been! Babies apparently experience these developmental leaps which are called Wonder Weeks. Basically they are learning new skills which blow their minds and cause them to be more fussy and sleep less. We are currently in the midst of Wonder Week 19 (which can actually occur from weeks 14-20). Tyler has basically been taking naps at night instead of actually sleeping. I've spent up to an hour rocking him and putting him down just to have him spring wide awake seconds later. Last night in my desperation, we relocated to the living room where I put him in his swing, turned it on, and curled up on the couch. Luckily he slept for 2.5 hours. However I had such a splitting headache that it took me an hour to fall asleep.

It may be rough, but during the day he really is showing signs of new development daily. Within the past week or 2 his has discovered Neeko! He now reaches out for him and watches him (look out Neeko!). He is also rolling from front to back pretty consistently. He is also learning how to put his pacifier back in by himself. Yay! Now Im just waiting for him to figure out how the doorway jumper works. What a life saver that will be!