Sorry I have not been posting. My laptop is broken so I have to use Joe's computer. I have a ton of new pics and videos I want to share, so hopefully I will be able to soon. So much has been happening! It's amazing how fast Tyler is developing.
Every day he is closer and closer to crawling! He has a new trick where he pushes up on all fours, then flops his chest forward. And today he started scooting army crawl style. He also finally rolled from back to front, but can you believe I missed it?! I put him down on his play mat on his back and turned around for a minute. When I turned back he was on his belly! Of course he hasn't done it again. The only bad thing about this is once he starts doing it more frequently we will have to stop swaddling him. I can just imagine he will wake up every 20 minutes the first few nights.
We have also been trying lots of new foods. So far he has had bananas, pears, carrots, and avocado. Naturally he likes the fruits best, but I just mix the veggies with some cereal and breast milk and he woofs it down. Next up is sweet potatoes.
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