Friday, April 13, 2012

Wonder Week 19

What a rough week this has been! Babies apparently experience these developmental leaps which are called Wonder Weeks. Basically they are learning new skills which blow their minds and cause them to be more fussy and sleep less. We are currently in the midst of Wonder Week 19 (which can actually occur from weeks 14-20). Tyler has basically been taking naps at night instead of actually sleeping. I've spent up to an hour rocking him and putting him down just to have him spring wide awake seconds later. Last night in my desperation, we relocated to the living room where I put him in his swing, turned it on, and curled up on the couch. Luckily he slept for 2.5 hours. However I had such a splitting headache that it took me an hour to fall asleep.

It may be rough, but during the day he really is showing signs of new development daily. Within the past week or 2 his has discovered Neeko! He now reaches out for him and watches him (look out Neeko!). He is also rolling from front to back pretty consistently. He is also learning how to put his pacifier back in by himself. Yay! Now Im just waiting for him to figure out how the doorway jumper works. What a life saver that will be!

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