Monday, February 4, 2013

Its been too long

I have done a horrible job of maintaining this blog. Sorry to all of our family and friends who have been wanting to keep up with the growth of my little man. I seriously felt like the first 13 months he was glued to my side every waking hour of the day (and every sleeping hour due to co-sleeping). Therefore, it was near impossible to get enough free time to sit down and write.

I must say that sleep training in the crib has changed our lives! He is sleeping through the night almost every night now, and takes two naps that range from 45 mins-3 hours. The worst part is not knowing how long those naps will be each time. I have so much free time now, and its amazing! I cant believe I was so worried about sleep training. I put it off for months because I thought it would be such a horrible process. I never imagined that 4 nights was all it would take for him to go to sleep with no tears. 

I am really hoping to post at least once a week now. So much has changed since I last wrote. Tyler is walking more than crawling now. Just waiting on those first words now. 

Uh oh, nap time is over, so I must run.